Shut Down With A Single Click

Windows 8 hides the Power button in the Settings menu, forcing a multi-step process just to shut down your computer. But thanks to a crafty shortcut trick, you can pin a Shutdown button right onto the bottom of your desktop. Simply follow these steps:

 1. Right-click on the Desktop and Select 'New->Shortcut'
 2. Enter 'shutdown /s /t 0' then click 'Next'
 3. Name the new shortcut 'Shutdown' then click 'finish'
 4. Right-click on the new shortcut and select 'Properties'
 5. Click on 'Change Icon' in the Shortcut tab then click'OK'
 6. Choice an icon of your choice then click 'OK'
 7. Right-click on the shortcut again and select 'Pin to Start'